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翻译作品范例 Translation Portfolio



Following are some samples of translations for our diverse clientele. Due to privacy reasons, only those publicly available are provided here.


政府类 / Government:


加拿大移民顾问监管委员会 (Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council) 

欢迎来到安大略省 (Welcome to Ontario)

安省2011年预算案 / Ontario Budget 2011  

安省中醫師及針灸師管理局  / College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario

安省移民厅- 省提名移民计 / Ministry of Immigration, Ontario (PNP)

哈珀总理纪念中国國60周年国庆致辞 / Remarks by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on China's 60th Anniversary


非政府类 / Non-government:


創世紀社區康復有限公司 / Genesis Community Rehab

加拿大谢蒂坎普渔业公司 / Cheticamp Fisheries


聲像類 / Video:


美國前副總統戈爾的環保巨片"An Inconvenient Truth” 《尷尬的真相》的宣傳片(點擊播放) / Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" Promotional Reel: